Enter the Contest!
If you could create a superhero to make this world a better place, who would it be?!

Contest Rules
Here is the nitty gritty on how to enter.
This contest is for students ages 5-14.
Students will need to answer this question and they can be as creative as possible(create a video, comic, drawing, song, etc.):
Create a superhero who will make this world a better place! What is your Hero's name, power and how are they making the world a better place?
Submit your entry by using the link below by the deadline, May 31st at 11:59pm.
Winners will be announced via email and social media on June 5th.
2 x 1st place prizes will win ANY full day camp or a combination of 2 half day camps.
2 x Runner up prizes will get 50% off vouchers for ANY half day camp.
Camps subject to availability. Camp schedule can be found here.
Judges will consist of Brain Builders awesome teachers!
We are looking for creativity and originality!
1 Entry per child.