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Behavior Agreement

The following policies and procedures are to be adhered to for those students participating in a Brain Builders’ Program.


The mission of Brain Builders’ Programs is to provide opportunities for all students to achieve academic success in a safe and engaging environment.


We Believe:

 All children can learn.

 All children benefit from developmentally appropriate materials, practices, and strategies.

 A positive learning environment helps to increase student achievement.


It is our desire to create a strong team of support for each student. We ask that students attend class sessions regularly to receive maximum benefit from this program. It is important that students arrive on time and come prepared to participate in the learning.


For the safety of all of our students, and due to the nature of equipment and materials that are used in our curriculum, our program is best suited for homeschoolers who thrive in a structured, organized environment. We still have tons of fun, however we must stress there are strict behavioral guidelines that students must adhere to.



In case of an accident or emergency requiring a physician or hospitalization, we will immediately attempt to contact a parent/guardian. If we are unable to reach you, we will contact any persons provided as emergency contacts. If immediate action is required, the school may call 9-1-1 while continuing attempts to reach the parents. Please review Student Safety Guidelines below.


Teacher/Parent Meeting Requests

In order for teachers to focus on preparing for instruction and dismissal of students at the end of the day, parents are welcome to let their teachers know about time-sensitive special circumstances; however more in-depth parent conferences are limited to previously scheduled meetings and not on a drop in basis.


Drug Free Environment 

Brain Builders’ Program maintains a drug, alcohol and tobacco free environment. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action.


Cell Phones

We ask that cell phones are not used in the classrooms. For parents who would like to remain on site during class, please enjoy a seat at our picnic tables outside. Cell phones are not permitted to be used by students from the time class starts until the time class ends (with the exception of break time or an emergency). Students that do bring cell phones to school must have them turned off and in their backpacks during class sessions.



A required form (available from the teacher) must be completed by a physician in order for medications to be taken and/or administered. Brain Builders is prohibited from administering over the counter medications to any student.



After filling out pertinent allergy information on the student’s school records, please communicate with the class teacher regarding any allergies.


Contagious Illnesses

In the event of a contagious illness other than routine colds and flu, the parent/guardian will be notified of the concern if the school determines that their child has been exposed. Children are asked to stay home until they are determined to no longer be contagious. The school will follow health guidelines issued by the California Department of Education for potential outbreaks of flu virus.


Care of Facilities

We appreciate the opportunity to utilize our facility and strive to maintain it with excellent care. Should a student damage or destroy furniture, fixtures or any property his/her parent/guardian will be financially responsible for repairing or replacing the damaged item.


Personal Items

Brain Builders does not assume responsibility for any personal items brought to school in the event of loss or damage.


Dress Standard

Clothing worn should promote the learning process and appropriate behavior. It is expected that students will wear clothing that is consistent with their health, safety and welfare. Specifically, shoes must be worn at all times. Special purpose shoes that may pose a safety hazard, such as flip-flops, “Wheelys” and “Heelys” are not permitted. Shoes must have a back strap.



Student Expectations

At Brain Builders we strive to promote the development of a positive, healthy self‐image in all students. The teachers demonstrate kind and positive reinforcement techniques. Our desire is to encourage good behavior.


At each class session, students will:

1. Care about learning

  Always do their best

  Always follow directions


2. Care for self and others

  Treat themselves and others with respect


3. Care about safety

  Keep hands, feet, and objects to self

  Stay in designated areas




Code of Classroom Conduct

Brain Builders teachers will discuss these basic classroom guidelines and other rules they feel are important to an optimal learning atmosphere. As a diverse community of learners, students must work together to create an environment of respect for each other and their teachers. To that end we have established the following code of classroom conduct:

  When participating in class dialogue, no one monopolizes discussions to the exclusion of others.

  Conflicting opinions among members of a class are respected and responded to in a respectful manner.

  No side conversations or other distracting behaviors during class discussions or presentations.

  No offensive comments, language, or gestures are to be part of the classroom environment.

  No behavior that is obscene or defamatory or which is intended to annoy, harass, or intimidate another person will be allowed.

  Students will respect each other’s personal property.


In addition, the following are strictly forbidden at any class sessions:

 Physical aggression, violence, or threat of violence

 Disrespect for authority

 Stealing

 Gambling

 Profane/inappropriate language or behavior

 Bringing any type of weapon or explosives

 Intimidating/bullying other students

 Sexual harassment

 Drug or alcohol use


Any infraction of this code that is deemed to be materially or substantially disruptive of the learning environment is cause for removal of a student from the Brain Builders classes for a weeks suspension in all classes they’re signed up for, without proration.


Multiple infractions will accrue, regardless of specific offense (i.e. they do not need to be the same offense for escalation of consequences). Brain Builders reserves the right to terminate services at our discretion.



1. Verbal warning

2. Parent Contact and meeting with students

3. Withdrawal from class(es)


Depending on the severity of each incident, Brain Builders reserves the right to withdraw student upon the first or subsequent action(s).


Parent & Student Agreement

By signing below, you are agreeing to the student expectations and code of classroom conduct. I understand and will assume financial responsibility if I damage, break or destroy anything due to my behavior or not following directions (including, but not limited to furniture, equipment, technology, building structure, etc.), whether accidental or intentional.


Student Name (Please Print): __________________________________________________________

Student Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Parent Name (Please Print): ___________________________________________________________

Parent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________


All paperwork is to be initialed & signed & completed prior to any student starting class

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